@article{oai:iuk-repo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000920, author = {ヨシドメ, ヒサハル and 吉留, 久晴 and Yoshidome, Hisaharu}, issue = {4}, journal = {福祉社会学部論集}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、2010年代前半のドイツの訓練市場の情勢を詳細に分析することをとおして、同市場で新たに生じるに至った事態を明らかにしようとしたものである。分析の結果、少子化と高学歴化が進行している同国において、①訓練希望者、とくにこれまで同希望者の多数を占めていた基幹学校修了証取得者が減少する一方で、未充足の訓練ポストが増加するという事態が惹起していることを、さらに、②こうした事態を解決するために、デュアルシステムのステークホルダー、なかでも訓練供給サイドに、デュアルシステムの魅力向上や企業における実践的訓練の質改善、訓練生選考基準の変更などに取り組む必要性が生じていることを浮き彫りにした。, In this article I analyzed the situation of supply of and demand for training place and apprenticeship contract in the first half of the 2010s in Germany. The main results of analysis are summarized as follows: 1. The number of training place applicants decreased from 2012 to 2015. The main reason for this situation is the decrease in the number of general school leavers, especially general school leavers with a lower secondary school leaving certificate that are the main clientele of dual system of vocational education and training. 2. The proportion of unsuccessful training place applicants remained at a comparatively high level. For example, in 2015 this proportion made up 13.4% of official training place demand. However, many training places remained unfilled. The number of unfilled training places has grown considerably since 2010. 3. The above-mentioned situations are creating new challenges for vocational education and training stakeholders. Particularly, employers' associations and training firms need to take measures to increase the attractiveness of dual system of vocational education and training, improve the quality of vocational training and change the criteria for trainee selection., 論文(Article)}, pages = {51--62}, title = {ドイツ・デュアルシステムの訓練市場の変貌}, volume = {36}, year = {2018} }