@article{oai:iuk-repo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000604, author = {厳, 偉祥 and Yan, Weixiang}, issue = {2}, journal = {地域総合研究}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), The hedge fund industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in finance market, due to limited regulatory oversight, flexible investment strategies, and performance-based fee structures. The rapidly growth of this industry has captured the attention of both academics and practitioners. Hedge funds held about 47 per cent of the $3 trillion worth of CDOs on the eve of the financial crisis. Hedge funds and other financial institutions suffered huge losses in the global financial crisis, because the price of securitized products such as CDOs plummeted to the ground when the crisis happened. This paper will consider the condition of financial markets during the financial crisis, and analyze why the loss and breakdown of hedge funds have happened.}, pages = {45--59}, title = {世界金融危機におけるヘッジファンドの損失と破綻について}, volume = {41}, year = {2014} }