@article{oai:iuk-repo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000506, author = {ツナカワ, キクミ and 綱川, 菊美 and Tsunakawa, Kikumi}, issue = {2}, journal = {福祉社会学部論集}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、20世紀終盤時来注目されている知的財産及び知的財産権について、日本における知的財産立国宣言、アメリカは1980年代の政策の一大転換、それを基に高騰した特許権と増大した訴訟件数に絡んだ新特許ビジネスモデル、即ちパテント・トロールの出現、またそれが産業社会に与えた影響について述べ、課題への対処が図られる中、アンチパテント化の動きも認められる現状を指摘し、今後の展望の前段とした。, After the bubble burst, Japan fell into an unprecedented, extended economic depression. However, the government of Japan and Japanese companies have switched to the offensive. But the changes have occurred in the source of competitiveness from the 1980s to the present. Technology innovation has started to play a more important role in promoting global economic growth. Based on such awareness, in 2002 Japanese prime minister stated that the government should promote an intellectual property policy to make Japan an intellectual property-based nation. While in America propatent policy has already started since mid-1980s and has caused various problems such as patent troll. Recently, to protect new technologies properly and push forward the creation of new markets, leading countries have been struggling for new policy frames., 論文(Article)}, pages = {15--26}, title = {知的財産を巡る諸動静について : 変わる知財評価と戦略}, volume = {30}, year = {2011} }