@article{oai:iuk-repo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001246, author = {サメシマ, ジュンイチ and 鮫島, 準一 and Sameshima, Junichi}, issue = {4}, journal = {福祉社会学部論集, Quarterly journal of welfare society}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Kindergarten teaching procedures and Course of Study were revised, and Childcare Content "Environment" is recommended to reconsider content which is cooperate with elementary school, in the context of not going smoothly in conjunction between preschool and elementary school. This thesis tries to be clear points to design curriculum which is focused on "Experiences in a natural environment" to connect elementary school through study of "Environment", 論文(Article)}, pages = {27--42}, title = {保育指導「環境」領域の「自然体験」を重視した教育課程の構想 : 小学校との接続の具体化}, volume = {39}, year = {2021} }